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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How to profit off shopgoodwill.com

Shopgoodwill.com will kill you on shipping so if you want to make a descent profit you have to be near  a Goodwill that lists items on shopgoodwill.com

There are 2 Goodwill stores in the area where I am at that list items.

Go to the search option and then under sellers, select the closest goodwill.

Browse their entire listings looking for heavy items that people outside of the area wouldn't want to pay shipping on, or items that they don't want to ship.

Selecting the hard to ship items locks out all the bidders that are not in the local area, and gives you a chance to get great deals.

You don't have to pay for shipping because you can just drive and pick the items up which will save you a lot of money.  I feel like they over charge on shipping but thats just my opinion.

It is possible to still make a profit buying items off shopgoodwill.com for resale, but the shipping eats into your profits.

Happy hunting

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