FBA private labeling tools

Friday, May 13, 2011

Improve your ebay sales with good old fashioned research

First of all before I say a thing about Terapeak check out our completed listings.

Famousturtle2010's completed listing            

Olivia11dancer's completed listing.

The listings speak for themselves.  One items sold will cover you for the month.   OK time to get on the soap box.

I do a TON of research on my items before I decide on a price to list my items for. I have been using eBay's completed listing search for the majority of ebay item research but it only gives me 15 days of completed listings.

Terapeak gives you the ability to search 365 days worth of eBay’s “sold listings”.

It will give you the highest, lowest and average sold prices for any item which will help you price your eBay items.

15 days from eBay's completed listings isn't enough.  On more than one occasion I have sold items which according to eBay's completed listings were not selling at all. I think it is due to the fact that the completed listings are only for 15 days.

Trends change all the time, and with Terapeak you can get a much bigger picture of the entire eBay market.

I  recommend the $24.99 option because that's with the $9.99 a month deal you only get 45 days of market data.

But if you want to try it out I would recommend the $9.99 package.

If you are interested in a test drive you can check out the Terapeak Price Report and start your free trial, you won't regret it.

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