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Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer sales

Now that we are getting into the summer season I have noticed an interesting change in my biggest day for sales.  For the past 8 months my biggest sale days were on Sundays but for the past month or so I seem to be selling much more on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  I am going to have to assume that it is because more people are getting out and enjoying the weekends.  I expected May to be a slow month and it turned out $3888 in sales.  June is turning out to be a bit slower, but the sales are still coming in.

Today alone I sold...

Siamese cat gravel art      Paid $0.95  Sold: $39.99      I really need to start buying more cat items, I have sold every piece I have ever found and for a nice profit to boot.

Hollywood Regency faux bamboo Trivet   Paid $2.00  Sold: $20.00   Nothing too spectacular, I am just glad it sold lol.

Crombie style skinhead coat  Paid:$12.99  Sold: $89.99   I sold this jacket to a gentleman in the UK.  I knew there was something up with this coat when it said crombie on the inside.   I did some research which lead me to the keywords I used to list this coat.  I originally listed the coat much much higher to see if I could get a bite, but ended up bringing it down after a couple months and got the offer of $89.99 which I happily took.   Its a cool coat so I hope he enjoys it.

Lucite space age lamp  Paid $3.00  Sold:$18.00   I had this lamp listed for much higher, but ended up breaking down and taking the $18.00 offer.  I am not going to lie, sometimes it just makes me feel good to sell something, even if its not that much profit.     

Hollywood Regency Faux bamboo tissue set  Paid $6.00 Sold:  $79.99  This set took a little while to sell, and I had a couple of lower offers which I almost took, but I am glad I didn't.  I really liked the detail on the faux bamboo which is what made me price this set at $79.99

Broken Xbox lot   Paid $30 Sold:  $95.00 - shipping.  This is a success and failure at the same time.  I figured out that broken video game systems have been selling pretty well.  Why are they selling you ask?  I am going to assume they are fixing them to resell.  I made the mistake of listing them with free shipping.  ( 30lbs )  Of course someone bought them in FLORIDA.   I still made about $20.00 in profit but that is below my 100% profit rule!   On the other hand this is a big success because I have been purchasing these system piece by piece whenever I come across them and so far I have found 4 full up working systems and the 3 broken ones which will sell for much more.

Well folks that's all I am going to talk about for now.  I am currently generating a list of items that have the following details.

#1 Items that I am always looking for.
#2 Where to find these items.
#2 How much I am willing to pay for these items.
#3 Quality control checks for these items.  
#4 Keywords to use for these items.
#5 Websites for research
#6 How to price the items.

I am considering selling this list on ebay for a couple bucks, but I need a few people to review the list and give me an idea about how much they would be willing to pay for such a list.  If you are interested let me know.

If you are not on my blog, come see my other posts at http://famousturtletreasures.blogspot.com

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