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Monday, January 24, 2011

The crazy month is winding down

Well this month has been the craziest month in my short ebay career.

 I managed to set a record in sales, and sheer amount of packages sent out.  Its almost like I have another JOB!  It has been great thought.

So now that I have had some down time I have been spending some time on this website called game duell.

They have a TON of different games and they are all multiplayer so you are playing against other people which is always fun.   Card games, bar games, tetris style games, action adventure games and a whole lot of other ones.  My personal favorite is the pirate ship game!  

Anyways I setup a free account.    Apparently you can even play against people for money.   I think I am going to keep my hard earned ebay money in my wallet, besides I am not that good at online games.

Its still alot of fun so check it out below!

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